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MAY 4, 2009

        William Davidson, Chairman, determined a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM.

        William Davidson – Brookfield           Shannon Young - Roxbury
        Brian Boodry – Brookfield                       Gerry Simmons - Southbury
        Bryan Piepho – Southbury                        Ross Carley - Newtown
        Sara Howard – Roxbury                   Arthur Niedzielski – Newtown
        Joe Briody – Bridgewater                        Linda Leaden – New Milford
        Sharon Ward – New Milford
        Bernd Woerner – Bridgewater             Alexis Hawley – Brookfield
        David Kendall – New Milford             Ron Faanes – Roxbury
Also Present:
       Joel Zeisler and Paul Gallichotte – Leaps of Faith Disabled Waterskiers

        The minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 7, 2009 were reviewed.
        Motion by Shannon Young to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 7, 2009 as presented.  The motion was seconded by Sarah Howard and carried unanimously.

        William Davidson announced that Armand Luzi has submitted his resignation from the Lake Lillinonah Authority due to work obligations.

        Motion by Sarah Howard to add to the beginning of the agenda under New Business information from Joel Zeisler and Paul Gallichotte, Leaps of Faith Water Ski Club.  The motion was seconded by Ross Carley and carried unanimously.

        Leaps of Faith Water Ski Club
        Mr. Joel Zeisler described that the Club has been located on Lake Zoar in the 1990’s as an opportunity for disabled individuals to get out and enjoy the lake.  Clinics have been held on Lake Zoar for the past fifteen years free of charge to teach children and adults how to water ski.  The organization has been selected to teach veterans water sports.  
        An event is planned for August 14-16 for soldiers and their families to participate in activities such as kayaking and water skiing.  There will be approximately 25 soldiers and their families participating.  The organizers of the event are concerned that Lake Zoar may be small for the event this year.  Schaticoke Shores is being viewed as a possible location and the residents are enthusiastic about the possibility.
       Mr. Zeisler reviewed the logistics of organizing this even and described the anticipated traffic flow on the Lake with limited restrictions.  The schedule for the weekend was outlined, with the soldiers and families arriving on Thursday.  The soldiers and volunteers would be on the lake Friday 9-4, Saturday 9-4 and Sunday 9-12.  Very little public boat traffic is anticipated on Friday and  with proper monitoring there should be very little need to interrupt normal Lake activities.  The event would be finished on Sunday before peak usage times.  The organizers stated that they were safety conscious at all times and in this case the Southbury Fire Department and Ambulance would be on hand to assist.  Staff members from Walter Reed Hospital and Brook Medical Center would also be in attendance.
        Shannon Young questioned how much the traffic flow on the Lake would have to be limited.  Mr. Zeisler responded that he didn’t anticipate that there would be much conflict with Lake traffic.  
        It was explained that there are several other locations being considered also and a decision would be made by the end of May.
        Art Niedzielski asked what would LLA need to provide in the way of security.  Mr. Zeisler responded that the Leap of Faith organization provided its own security boat, but it would be helpful if the LLA patrol boat was aware of the event and made their presence known.  The LLA patrol boat would be available if needed during the event.
        The members voiced concern with conflict with the fishing tournaments that use Lake Lillinonah.  Shannon Young said that he would check on fishing schedules.
        Motion by Sharon Ward that the Lake Lillinonah Authority supports the Wounded Warriors event to take place in August, 2009.  The motion was seconded by Art Niedzielski and carried unanimously.
        The Leap of Faith website was noted:

        Barkwood Falls
        William Davidson reported that last year Barkwood Falls had planned to raise dock fees for this year from $1000 to $2000.  A review of the Lake Authority records did not indicate that any notification of the intent to raise fees had been received by the Authority.  He asked the Board members to consider how they wanted to handle the situation now and recommended that the topic be on the agenda next month for further discussion.  
        Personal Flotation Devices
        William Davidson discussed the current situation regarding personal flotation devices (PFD).  The Patrol Chief has issued a ticket to a rower for not having a PFD in his boat.  There is a conflict between the Federal guidelines and the CT State requirements.  
        William Davidson reported on a conversation with Eleanor Mariani, Office Director, CTDEP Boating Division, who determined that the State has adopted federal standards meaning that one common law applies.
        On the other hand, William Davidson read from Federal guidelines which give the State the right to modify federal standards “to meet uniquely hazardous conditions or circumstances.”  CTDEP has modified the PFD requirement based on the latitude granted by this wording.   He proposed that the patrol not give tickets for the rest of May or until the issue is decided.
        Shannon Young voiced his objection.  He did not think the patrol should ignore a safety issue.  
        Sharon Ward said that the patrol’s responsibility is to watch out for the safety on the Lake, not just to give out tickets.  She agreed that the patrol should wait until a clear decision is made before any more tickets are given out.
        Linda Leaden emphasized that GMS enforces safety requirements and there is a PFD in all boats for a coached program.  The incident in question involved a member, not a student.
        Bryan Piepho said that it was better not to have a vote on whether or not to uphold laws and regulations.
        Shannon Young reported to the Authority that the rower in question was disrespectful of the patrol officer.   
        There is a meeting schedule for this Thursday between William Davidson, Kevin Seeley (patrol chief) and GMS to discuss the issue.

        Friends of the Lake (FOTL) and the LLA Executive Board met on April 6th .  FOTL has hired the NW Conservation District at a cost of $1800 to map the sand bar.
        It was announced that two patrol boats are back in the water.

        Shannon Young reported that he met with Bruce Lockhart and his son for a tour of the Lake to determine where buoys need to be placed.  No estimate for the work has been submitted yet and more information is needed.
        He also reported on discussing the parking situation at the Route 133 boat launch with William Foreman, DEP.  Regulations specify that no tournament shall consume more than 50% of the parking area.  Many tournaments currently exceed this standard.  Exceptions to the parking regulation occur pre-season, at night and on holidays.

        Ross Carley reported a discussion with Larry Marsicano, Candlewood Lake Authority regarding testing for weevils, zebra mussels and milfoil.  He would be available to attend a LLA meeting to show a slide presentation.  Mr. Marsicano will be invited to attend the June LLA meeting.

        Joe Briody reported that $822 has been spent on buoys.  
        A review of the Treasurer’s records show that in 2006 the Lake Authority paid $9400 for a study of the Lake by CCA.  There is no record of any reimbursement from FOTL.  
        Shannon Young reported that $500 will be needed for replacement buoys.  

        The item was tabled.
        Shoreline Studies
        William Davidson reported that FOTL has contracted with CCA to update the shoreline study that was done in 2006.  FOTL has proposed to share the cost with the LLA.  
        Bryan Piepho proposed that CCA prepare a video and report on the effects of a water skier on the shoreline.  This can be used to keep the water level to a standard during the summer.  The cost for three days of monitoring would be $5000.  
        Joe Briody questioned where water quality testing might come into the picture.  
        Motion by Shannon Young to support up to a $2000 share with Friends of the Lake the contract with CCA to update the shoreline study done two years ago.  The motion was seconded by Ross Carley.  The vote on the motion will be taken at the June meeting.
        Motion by Bryan Piepho that the LLA conduct a study by CCA for $3400 to monitor ski wake effects on the shoreline.  The motion was seconded by Sharon Ward.  The  vote on the motion will be taken at the June meeting.  
        319 Grant
        William Davidson reported that Chuck Lee from the DEP presented a proposal to the Lake Lillinonah Authority that the DEP would  fund a two-year continuation of lake studies by George Knoecklein.  Total cost would be $20,000, LLA would contribute 40%, which is $4000 annually. An outline of what the goals of the study are would be provided by the DEP.  
        Shannon Young told the Authority that he didn’t see any value in the previous year’s study and did not think continuing was worthwhile.  He said that he would not support further studies by George Knoecklein.  
        Joseph Briody said that he thought it would at least be worth at least being able to review the proposal.  
        Bryan Piepho reminded the members that $4000 for a study was not part of this year’s budget.
        Motion by Sarah Howard to expend $4000 to support George Knoecklein’s study of Lake Lillinonah.  The motion was seconded by Joseph Briody.
        A vote on the motion will be take at next month’s meeting.
        Eagle Scout Project
        The members voted on the following motion which was made at the Regular Meeting held April 7, 2009:  “Motion by Art Niedzielski to support Calder’s senior project by contributing $276 toward the cost of the sign.  The motion was seconded by Bernd Woerner.”   The motion was carried unanimously.
        Art Niedielski reported on pollution which he observed on the Lake.  He circulated pictures of the area in question.  When he looked for the source of the pollution he found evidence that it was coming from the vicinity of the rapids.  William Davidson said that he would ask Friends of the Lake if they had plans for HydroTechnology test the water during the summer of 2009.  Shannon Young indicated that what Art observed was the life cycle of filamentous algae.   He explained that the fertilizer from the Candlewood Valley Golf Club was responsible for the algae growth.
        Bryan Piepho was pleased the report that the eagles are back on Lake Lillinonah.

        Motion by :Linda Leaden to adjourn at 9:30 PM.  The motion was seconded by Sarah Howard and carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine M. Giordano

Christine M. Giordano,
Administrative Assistant

        These minutes are not considered official until approved at the next Regular Meeting of the Lake Lillinonah Authority.  The next Regular Meeting of the Lake Lillinonah Authority is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 7:30 PM at Brookfield Town Hall.